Sunday, November 2, 2008

Task 23: Summarise your thoughts - Feedback

Overall time
Some tasks took me a lot longer than I thought and others were quicker. It would be difficult in a work place to just put aside a set time for the tasks. I would have found it difficult to stop a task if I was having trouble getting my head around the instructions (or lack thereof) if I had to stop and then start again the next day. So what I did was to look at a task and then finish it. If it was a short one I would try a 2nd task but if it took me a while I would just do 1 at a time.

Relevance of the tools
In relation to the Library and students, I thought Podcasts, RSS feeds, Wiki, Blogs would be useful. On a personal note, I liked Lifelong learning (even though the southern accent was annoying), Flickr, LibriVox, GoogleMAPS, iGoogle, and YouTube (for fun). Like Rockchicklibrarian I ended up in FaceBook and spent some time there and will return.

Specific Difficulties
Some of the tasks had confusing instructions - or perhaps that's not fair because it was the web site for the task that was confusing.

Overall view
I thought the whole process was very worthwhile. I might not return to some areas covered in the tasks but at least I now know about them.

Task 22: More to life with Second Life

I have been to a session describing the use of SL by Rick Strelan and Helen Farley who won a $30 000 Strategic Teaching and Learning Grant to develop a presence for UQ Studies in Religion in the virtual world of Second Life.
They purchased an island to construct a variety of religious spaces. This would allow students to explore and understand other religions. Helen has a blog

It all looked interesting in the session and I could see that it would be useful for such a subject. However, I do agree with pollyblogger that it doesn't take much to visit some of these in the real world and actually speak to someone. And yes, I know that a real visit to some is not possible - hence the usefullness of the island.

My biggest complaint - I couldn't think a of first name to even create a login - how sad is that. Anything I thought of wasn't useful.

Personally I don't think I would really use SL without a compelling reason to be there.